Norway, Sweden and return home
11 km from Bodø we find Saltstraumen. It is a very famous fjord, with a natural phenomenon that has some of the world's strongest tidal currents. A very strong current occurs when the tide pushes water either into or out of the fjord. Large eddies are created as a result of the movement of the water.
A few anglers have been lucky. There is a rich underwater life here, as the tidal flow oxygenates the water a lot.
We stand and look at the water and fantasize about how much fun it would be to sit in a rubber ring and just race with the tide out to sea.
Dramatic clouds loom in the distance and there will also be some rain. But not as much as the clouds immediately suggest. The roads wind beautifully through the landscape and we come to think of the French Alps. But it is Norway - think that we have two such beautiful neighboring countries. It's not that crazy here in Scandinavia.
Norway is not that wide where we are - maybe 50 km, so we are quickly in Sweden.
We enter the Padjelanta National Park, which still has mountains. The Norwegian - Swedish border goes down through the mountain range.
We see a reindeer up on a cliff, and stop the car to go out and take some pictures.
We once again cross the Arctic Circle. There is a small grocery store that also has a gas station. We stop right in there and fill up both the car and stomach.
We are running out of big mountains and now come to the forests and the more open landscapes.
We find a good place to sleep in the forest and the next morning there is the most beautiful sunrise.

We drive to Sundsvall and find out that Sus' mother and papa are on their way home, from a bus trip to Finland.
As it is almost time for a driving break, we stop at the same rest area as them and say hello.
It's very nice and when we drive from there again, overtaking them on the motorway, the whole bus sits and waves at us. The bus driver has told them about us over the loudspeaker. It was a bit of fun.
The last thing we do on the trip is to visit a chocolate factory, where we buy ourselves poor with the last unused holiday money. There are no pictures from there, as we went completely crazy over all the chocolate.
They have been deleted by the censor.
Snap snap muzzle...then that story is out.