Northern Europe

Greenland 2024, section 3

The weather has shown its best side and we are going out sailing in the Isfjorden around sunset. When the sun is so low in the sky, it makes for a fantastic game in the ice, with sun and shadow.

We eagerly scout for seals, but they are highly sought-after game here - so they are above all (ice) mountains. It is about hiding well, and they do. However, we believe we saw a head peeking out of the water, at a very long distance. There was nothing more to it. At one point, however, Sus thought she could see a seal, but when it took off and flew, we quickly agreed that it was probably not a seal after all.

The sun begins to set and an incredible play of colors appears in the sky. There is just the perfect timing in sun, light and shadow. We take pictures wildly and all of a sudden a minor panic occurs. One of us - won't mention names... Forgot to check the status of the batteries for the cameras. Pling – No power. practice practice and practice. Well, then we can sit down and enjoy the view instead. Fantastic evening sailing around between the icebergs. We immediately decide to book another trip.

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As the cruise ends at 10pm, we head back and find that there is a pretty good chance of the Northern Lights tonight. We wait and wait. Even 2 hours after sunset it is not really dark. But Sus probably trudges out and looks at the sky about every fifteen minutes. No Northern Lights and Johnny goes to bed. All the fresh air takes its toll and we are really tired.

One last look at the sky before bed and boom! There are northern lights. Johnny jumps out of bed and gets dressed, all the while Sus stands and stresses him out, saying come on, come on, it's now.
As we are inside the city there is quite a bit of light, so we go down to the water to get away from the lampposts. Here the northern lights dance just as clearly over our heads.

A huge private yacht – Octopus (Microsoft's Paul Allen's former ship) has been here for a few days and has now sailed out a bit, probably to see the northern lights better. They have switched on a large searchlight which shines on a smaller iceberg. But it looks very nice.

After an eventful day, it is definitely time to go to bed.

With fully charged batteries, we take one more evening sail. So it is quite special to get so close to the icebergs. There are only the two of us on board the boat. So gets 8 stars out of a possible 5 for completing the tour. Maybe they felt a little sorry for us because we ran out of battery. The small family-owned company provides an incredibly good service. At the same time, we are quite happy to support the locals, rather than a large foreign company.

Well, we get off and get the luxury version, where we can just say where we want to sail to and at what angle we want to be, in relation to the icebergs. It will all be on our terms and we are quite overwhelmed by that. That's so sweet of them. We meet them several times up in town, where they greet and wave each time they see us. Then you will be completely happy in the heart.

We spend our last day in Greenland on a hike. The tours start at Isfjordcenteret, so we get the opportunity to see both the sled dogs and the funny twisted building again.

The route goes over the rocky mountain and along the ice fjord. There are small meltwater lakes and quite a few geese. At the end of the trip, we can hear that it is time to claim. A chain reaction of the dog's barking starts. Once there is feeding in one place, they all just start barking.

A fantastically beautiful country, with an even more fantastic population.