Port Macquarie – Pottsville. Snakes In Paradise & Dogs In Heaven.
In Port Macquarie, the large stones along the breakwater have been painted by locals and tourists, as a kind of memory lane with quotes, drawings, memories of the deceased, memories of anniversaries and events. There are many really nice decorated stones.
We have a night of heavy rain and are glad that we don't have to sleep in a tent out on the grass. It may well be that we don't have much space in the car, but in this weather - even a little space - is a good space. In such weather, any leaks are quickly found - and Johnny has to start grouting the windows in the fiberglass top.
Even if it's DownUnder – the law of gravity works the same way. He steps wrongly on the park bench and tests the theory by falling down - as long as he is. After some inappropriate language, it can be established that there is no real damage - only to the pride.
The national parks are so beautiful and full of wildlife. Goonengerry National Park is no exception. Sus gets out of the car and reads some information on a sign and WOUW is said... Less than 2 meters from the sign, lies a snake of approx. 1.5 meters. It is the first we see in Australia.
Fortunately, we quickly recognize it as a python, so no poisonous snake here. Phew…
It is completely quiet and peaceful. It lies quite peacefully and tries to get some warmth.
Thus informed that there are snakes in Australia, we put on our hiking boots and gaiters and go for a long walk, out into the subtropical rainforest.
Lots of birds chirping in the forest as we follow a small river bed which ends in a large waterfall. There are a few minor falls on the way out to the big one.
At the large waterfall, there is an incredibly beautiful view of the forest.
On the way back we are lucky enough to see blue kingfisher birds. Completely royal blue on the back and orange breast. There is one sitting on a branch by the water, sometimes it takes a headlong jump and fishes.
In quite a few places in Denmark we know it as Blue Kingfisher, but here we just came across it on a random walk.
Along winding mountain roads, it goes towards Pottsville, which is a cozy little town right by the water.
We can hear the surf of the sea right inside the city. There are big waves, but it's not particularly windy.
Portuguese holidaymakers are scattered all over the beach and there is a warning against swimming. They are worse devils to come into contact with, so we just have to look at the washed up ones. A coconut has also washed ashore, so you at least know that we are far from Hornbæk Strand.
Here, too, we are close to a large wild forest. They advertise with both koalas and birds, so we go hunting. There are lots of birds, but no koalas.
We find some strange fruits high up in a tree. At a closer look, it turns out not to be fruit, but large bats (also called flying dogs) which have taken over the trees and are waiting for evening to fly out and find food.