Off it goes, this time to the Alps. The fear of heights must be maintained, the form must be refined to find everything that works - and everything that doesn't...

After a few days of quiet Autobahn driving through Germany, we can ascertain that new type of shock absorbers, a little steering work and a lowering of the roof tent have had an extremely positive influence on the car's handling. You hardly notice that 100 kg has been added to the roof. We are heading down towards the Alps and heading towards the Grossglockner mountain. There is a winding small mountain road that leads up to 2700m.
Ermmnn... We're obviously not the only ones who want to drive there. Motorcycles - sports cars and supercars. Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Massarati – if it's expensive, it's represented there.
As well as a silly four-wheel drive with great wind resistance and a happy (but old-fashioned) diesel engine – that's us 🙂
On the way up the bends we are overtaken for full music. Since they have passed, luckily there will also be room for our type of driving. There we can admire the view and remind each other that if you fall over the edge - it only hurts if you survive.
To our pleasant surprise, we do not drive over the abyss and choose to celebrate our continued life with an overnight stay.

The next morning the trip goes over the mountain again. Everything seems clear. The supercars and motorcycles rev up.
Battle-ready middle-aged men in Lycra (with parts) stand ready with carbon fiber racing bikes. Braggingly, they say how many Watts they can produce. Everything is timed and planned - even the DSB summer timetable would be envious.
But then Mother Nature delivers a proper Bitchslap...
Klask – low-hanging cloud cover at 1200m altitude and 15m visibility.
The previously battle-ready Lycradelle racers certainly do not like 4 degrees temperature and 99% humidity.
Even the million-dollar supercars suddenly thought it was OK to lie behind a slow 4×4 and let him find his way down the hairpin bends.
Thus we all became equal again.